lunes, 9 de enero de 2012

Wake Up

A continuacion un extracto del texto que aparece al final de la ultima versión del Minecraft. En palabras del Autor, una especie de mensaje del universo hacia los jugadores, que después de pasar tanto tiempo en un juego sin aparentes límites, regresan a sus vidas "reales". Casi como despertando de un sueño.

§2The atoms of the player were scattered in the grass, in the rivers, in the air, in the ground. A woman gathered the atoms; she drank and ate and inhaled; and the woman assembled the player, in her body.

§2And the player awoke, from the warm, dark world of its mother’s body, into the long dream.

§2And the player was a new story, never told before, written in letters of DNA. And the player was a new program, never run before, generated by a sourcecode a billion years old. And the player was a new human, never alive before, made from nothing but milk and love.

§3You are the player. The story. The program. The human. Made from nothing but milk and love.

El mensaje completo.

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